Saturday, 7 May 2011

Practice - T-Rex model

Front view of my not-so-perfect T-Rex model

Side view of my not-so-perfect T-Rex model


Finally finished my model of a T-Rex after spending a day on it, experimenting with different tools in Maya. I find the skin of the body very wrinkled though, I guess I added too many subdivisions which caused them to fold in on themselves when I manipulated one of the vertices. This is my second try to model organic creatures, as I find modeling organic models very interesting and I hope to learn more on modeling organic models in the future IN3D classes.


  1. have you ever thought of trying to use a picture for reference? I mean... it's not really that good, you could have experienced with toold but still get the proper shape if you had something to work with.

    1. Thank you for your helpful advice! I will try and model the t-rex with a reference the next time :) Sorry, but can you please explain to me what is toold? Thank you!
